Quarterly Newsletters

We publish a quarterly newsletter, Expertise.

To view recent copies, please select from the editions below:

November 2023 | The Evolution beyond Litigation Funding | Rejected Claims: Targeting the Insurer

August 2023 | July/August enquiries | Insurance disputes | LDIs - Little Devil Inside?

May 2023 | Are remote hearings here to stay? | A US Class Action: 2020 to 2023 | Obituary: Dr David Ellis

February 2023 | Key litigation areas for banks in 2023 | Digital assets – where can things go wrong? | Disputes between insureds, insurers and brokers

November 2022 | Hurricanes and Financial Storms | Liability Driven Investments (LDIs) | Residential Mortgage Rate Increases

August 2022 | (Yet more) interesting times | Covid pandemic insurance - the epilogue?

May 2022 | Ukraine and Russia 100 days on | Russian Sanctions | Trade Credit Insurance

February 2022 | GBRW Expert Witness and the Baltic Expert Witness Association to co-operate on provision of expert services | Covid compensation - fighting in the insurance trenches

November 2021 | Trends and Pointers | Cum-Ex Trading Update | Obituary: Robin Bryant

May 2021 | Greensill Capital | Covid-19 cover and the Supreme Court judgement

February 2021 | Giving evidence in Hong Kong during the Pandemic | The End of the Line for Libor

November 2020 | The “new normal” continues | “Virtual cross-examination” in a UK Court | An on-line deposition in US proceedings

August 2020 | New working patterns | Webinars for litigation, banking and insurance departments | Hin Leong and Agritrade – a tough Summer for trade finance

May 2020 | Covid-19 and Data Security | Covid-19: possible consequences for the insurance world | My first case as an Expert Witness

February 2020 | Coronavirus | Life after LIBOR | Electronic Documents – Wastepaper or Digital Dump?

November 2019 | GBRW Learning | Cum-Ex Trading | Woodford Investment Management insurance consequences

August 2019 | Marketing to law firms | Open-Ended Funds – Open Litigation Risk? | Regulatory Changes and Capital Planning in Banks

May 2019 | Changes in the global banking industry | The changing breed of UK property lending | Acting as a Single Joint Expert

February 2019 | There may be troubles ahead | What future for the bank branch? | Third party litigation funding

November 2018 | The Jackson Reforms 5 years on | Careless words cost money | Business rates and expert evidence

August 2018 | China’s Belt and Road Initiative | The Experts’ Joint Statement

May 2018 | Trends in Expert Engagements | Cryptocurrencies | Manolis Skourtis opens GBRW Athens Office

February 2017 | (Some) bankers behaving badly | Expert witness requirements in Australia | John Turnbull joins GBRW Expert Witness

September 2016 | The Panama Papers |Third party litigation funding: a game changer

July 2016 | David Ellis joins GBRW Expert Witness

February 2016 | Financial sector litigation – what does 2016 hold in store? | What next for regulation of the trading floor?

August 2015 | Sharp rise in investment dispute engagements | Title indemnity insurance – risks for lawyers| GBRW EW in Asia

February 2015 | Where do expert witnesses come from? | New expert: Anne Miglorine

August 2014 | 2013/14 trends | New expert: Dominiek Vangaever | Financial litigation: the next five years

August 2013 | The Jackson Reforms | Tim Dowlen joins GBRW Expert Witness | Electronic payments – what happens when things go wrong?